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Closing of some branches

Closing of some branches

Dear customers, due to the measures taken by the State of Côte d’Ivoire to combat the spread of Corona Virus disease (Covid-19), and given the evolution of the current health situation, CORIS BANK INTERNATIONAL CÔTE D’IVOIRE, informs you of the temporary suspension of the activities of its agencies ADJAME, MARCORY, YOPOUGON 3rd BRIDGE and SAN PEDRO CITE from this Monday April 13, 2020 for a period of two (02) weeks renewable according to the evolution of the situation.

The thirteen (13) other agencies in our network remain open to support you in your day-to-day operations:

  • Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
  • Saturday: From 08:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
  • Sundays and public holidays for our agency 2 Plateaux: From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

These are the following agencies:

  • In Abidjan (7 agencies): Plateau – 2 Plateaux – Abobo – Abatta – Treichville – Yopougon St André – Koumassi
  • Inside (6 branches): Bouaké – Korhogo – Daloa – Duékoué – San Pedro Bardot – Soubré

In addition, we recommend that you use our digital services (e-coris, sms banking, e-swift, the coris cash prepaid card) to reduce your travel and contacts to the bare essentials. Our ATMs are available 24 hours a day for your operations.

If necessary, our advisers are at your disposal at the following contacts:

+225 20 20 94 50 / 20 30 75 46 / 20 20 94 63 /44 09 03 03/ 55 69 68 22

CBI Ivory Coast thanks you for your trust

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