Special day at Coris Bank Côte d’Ivoire

Special day at Coris Bank Côte d’Ivoire

On this day of March 1, 2022, the staff of CBI Ivory Coast headed by the President of the Coris Group Mr. Idrissa NASSA, visiting the Ivorian subsidiary, wished a happy birthday to Mr. Mamadou SANON, Managing Director of CBI Ivory Coast.

It was a sober and emotional ceremony that was marked by blessings and a friendly cocktail.
Speaking on this anniversary day, the Managing Director, Mr. Mamadou SANON, very moved, first of all wanted to thank Mr. Idrissa NASSA, President of the Coris Group for his presence and for his trust; and subsequently the staff for this mark of affection and consideration towards him.
Mr. Idrissa NASSA in his address to the General Manager Mr. Mamadou SANON, wished him a wonderful Happy Birthday and meant that this occasion comes once again to demonstrate the solidity of family ties which is the foundation of the success of the culture of company within CBI CI.

Happy birthday Mr. Mamadou SANON!

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