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CBI CI celebrates the month of “Pink October”

CBI CI celebrates the month of “Pink October”

Coris Bank International CI célèbre le mois « d’octobre rose » en réaffirmant son engagement aux cotes des femmes dans la lutte contre les cancers du sein et du col de l’utérus

Last Saturday, October 16, 2021, Coris Bank International Côte d’Ivoire (CBI CI) took part in the pink day, a day of awareness and screening for breast and cervical cancer, held in Abidjan at the Lycée Classique of Cocody.
A l’occasion du mois d’octobre Rose, mois dédié à la lutte contre les cancers plus particulièrement le cancer du sein, Coris Bank International Côte d’Ivoire, a sponsorisé la Fondation Femmes Shunamites en Action (FFSA) qui œuvre pour la lutte contre les cancers du sein et du col de l’utérus.

As a Citizen Bank, Coris Bank International Ivory Coast has once again reaffirmed its commitment to women by supporting the said Foundation. The CBI CI team was led by CBI CI’s Director of Network and Individual Customers, Mr. Gervais DIBY.

On the occasion of Pink October 2021, let’s make those around us aware of cancer screening, more particularly breast cancer screening.