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Anniversary Coris Bank International

Anniversary Coris Bank International

February 04, 2013 – February 04, 2021. Coris Bank International Ivory Coast (CBI-CI) celebrates its 8th anniversary today! The General Management and all the employees of the bank marked this day with a milestone. “These 8 years of existence have been characterized by our development and remarkable growth. This success is a reflection of all of your efforts.

We are pursuing our vision, which is also that of the Coris Group, of being the bank of reference in Africa in terms of supporting economic players and we will remain present alongside our customers and partners to offer them the best quality standards in term of products and services, » said the Chief Executive Officer of Coris Bank international Ivory Coast, Mamadou SANON, au cours d’une brève cérémonie organisée dans le respect des mesures barrières au siège de la banque, à Abidjan-Plateau, ce 04 février 2021, ponctuée par la coupure d’un gâteau symbolique. He expressed to his employees, partners and customers the recognition of the Chairman of the Group, the Board of Directors and the Management Committee of the bank for their renewed confidence during the past eight years. “8 years of mutual trust and pooling of our efforts; 8 years of Originality due to the team spirit that continually raises us to the top; 8 years of Responsibility forged in the common values ​​that we share; 8 years of Integrity and commitment to the rules of Excellence to go further; 8 years of Sociability because we form a Family, at the service of the development of the national economy”, underlined the Director General.

Mr. Mamadou SANON also took this opportunity to reiterate the commitments of CBI-CI which have made it possible to obtain these excellent results. « To serve, to create a professional development framework for the staff, to satisfy its customers and partners with offers of innovative and quality products and services, these are the commitments made by CBI Côte d’Ivoire, which has been able to impose itself as a major player in supporting economic players. And we are ready to offer you the best of banking in 2021”, continued the Chief Executive Officer, after presenting his New Year’s wishes to the Bank’s Partners and employees.

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